in Saint-Maurice-en-Gourgois

GAEC du Moulin

Salers and Charolais meat: weanling and milk-fed veal
Free-range animals, raised in freedom with their mother until 9 months and fattened until 16 months – Package of 10kg for a whole animal.
Milk-fed calves, born on the farm and raised for up to 4 months with their mother's milk – €9,5 including tax/kilo of carcass (from 120 to 150 kg of carcass) – Package from 1/4 to a whole animal – cut and vacuum packed
Tips and Suggestions

You can order the meat in the following ways: whole, half, quarter or eighth.
This package is made up of all the parts that the animal contains.
The meat in question is cut, checked, bagged, vacuum-packed and labeled with the name of the piece.
The expiry date for fresh consumption is indicated on each packet.



  • Meat and cold cuts

Operator status

  • Producer

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